Books, Writing

I’m Back—I Think

This is what I do… I blog and then I don’t. I blog….and then I don’t.

But a lot has happened since I last blogged on here. BIGGEST writing news: I FINISHED a FULL DRAFT of my very first book. It’s a book that I haven’t really made public that I am working on, but it’s the book that is nearest and dearest to my heart.

I hope to play a more active roll on my blog and actually commit to the ideas and posts I originally planned.  I am going to kick off with my next post with my first writings for a #365Challenge I just ran across on Twitter for Creative Writing. I don’t really publicize what I write, but I would like to do this. I will mostly be posting work that I write that day, but I may also like to share a few excerpts from past work…#poetry #shortstories #novels #randommusings (I’ll save the past work for a rainy day).

I found a list of 365 One Word Art Journal Prompts, which I will try to stick to unless random creativity strikes, cause that’s the #writerslife. Check out the link and let me know if you want to join in, too. I’m going to keep mine simple by just using the one word for my prompt inspiration #happiness #beauty #sleep #garden #imagination, etc.

I could go into a long explanation of ….everything #writerslife #momlife #lifelife, etc.. But I’d just like to say, sorry for the long intermission, but I am back…I think.


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